The hare-like lunars hail from a distant world, fleeing the doom that befell it millennia ago. They are generally a reclusive species, having settled the moon from which they take their current name. The lunars value expertise, whether it is in knowledge, crafts, or physical prowess. Like their neighbors on Terra, the lunar cities have patron eidolons that best represent the character of the place. Unlike Terran cities, lunar cities are directly named for the eidolon; Alexandria, Bahamut's Lagoon, and Leviathan's Wake being examples.
Statuesque Foreigners
The lunars are tall, the shorter among them being around six feet tall and the taller being nearly seven and a half feet tall. This height is accentuated by their rabbit-like ears atop their heads, which often measure another foot in height. Their home on Terra's moon lends them a lean physique, with physically fit examples having a wiry build.They have short fur covering their bodies (but not their faces), ranging from a stark white to a jet black, deep burnt browns and platinum blonde, and everything between. The longer fur on their heads is sometimes a different coloration than the dominant color, though nothing particular is attached to such variations. Eye coloration for lunars tends towards blues, greens, and purples. Female and male lunars do not have any noticeable differences in height, build, or appearance aside from what one would expect from a mammalian species.
Lunars prefer loose clothing; with robes being the dominant form of clothing. Those who engage in a lot of physical activity in their daily lives will wear baggy pants and loose-fitting tunics. The lunars prefer these styles because their movement is less hindered. Even martially-minded lunars prefer lighter armor over bulkier kit to better use their natural dexterousness.
An Ancient Culture
Lunars are much more technologically advanced than their Terran neighbors, which is the primary reason for their seclusive nature. The fact that the Terrans were able to devise their own airships based on the ones used by visiting lunar traders was alarming. As such, lunars who travel to Terra rarely possess any examples of their people's technology. Fortunately for the lunars, the Terrans have yet to discover how to make vacuum-proof airships.Lunars seek to understand the world around them, demonstrating an almost child-like wonder at the world. While they do understand the concept of prudence and tact, they will often ask questions that startle or offend non-lunars. Clever lunars use this habit to put foes on the wrong footing, giving them a reputation for guile. Overall though, lunars are a friendly people despite being tight-lipped about their own home.
Homes With Everyday Magic
The cities of the lunars are bizarre to the eyes of Terrans; glass, steel, and concrete are the primary mediums for their architecture. Buildings are often cylindrical with hemisphere 'caps', the pedestrian-friendly streets built out of concrete slabs. Pipes run under the streets while cables are strung along the facades of structures. Artificial lights are everywhere since the cities are wholly enclosed and pressurized. Lunars enjoy a high quality of life in these cities, with few of their number actually lacking.Lunar civilization bases their technology on a long and sophisticated magical tradition coupled with a practical knowledge of physics. So while most of the lighting in their cities are essentially everburning torches in different forms, they use more mundane means to transport water around. The result of this admixture is that the lunars must trade heavily with Terra; their textiles and concrete fetching premium prices on the planet below.
Lunar Names
Over the past 2,000 years, contact with Terran cultures have resulted in the lunars naming their children 'exotic' names from those peoples. There are traditional lunar names, often starting with hard consonant sounds and ending with soft vowels. Family names are often related to occupation. In the end, the lunars have some odd and varied names; one lunar could be named Milo Hammersmith and have a sister named Kloroa Spearmaiden.Lunar Traits
A lunar character has a few innate capabilities stemming from their people's physiology and cultural tendencies.Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age: Lunars age at the same rate humans do, though they will typically live longer, with 150 years being extremely common.
Alignment: Lunars tend towards lawful alignments, though any alignment can be found in their society.
Size: As mentioned previously, lunars are on the tall side and look taller due to their long upright ears. 6' to 7'6" is the common height range for them. Regardless, lunars are Medium size.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Vieran and one extra language of your choice. Vieran is the lunar native language. Typically a lunar will learn Common so they can interact with Terrans.
Exceptional Hearing: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks where hearing is involved. However, the sensitivity of your ears means that you have disadvantage on saves where the nature of the effect is audio-based (such as a banshee's wail or thunder damage).
Early Apprenticeship: Pick one item from the artisan's tools list in the Equipment chapter of the Player's handbook. You are proficient with those tools.
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