War Puppet
The Gebler Dominion (and its predecessor the Garlmande Empire) uses its magic-fueled technology to create disposable soldiers for their conflicts. These are collectively known as war puppets, with four distinct varieties known. While many of the puppets obey their human controllers without question, those that become separated from their chain of command or damaged by eidolon-fueled magic often become independent and free-willed. These war puppets typically demonstrate a child-like attitude due to their sudden independence and struggle to piece together an identity for themselves other than what was dictated to them at their creation.
Where visible, the bodies of war puppets are a black mist or vapor, with the only distinguishing feature being their glowing yellow eyes. They are all roughly half the size of a normal human, being only three feet tall. They all have bird-like wings, though they cannot fly very well. Despite their apparent incorporealness, physical weapons harm war puppets just as easily as other races.
Black waltzes were built to wield arcane might, typically wearing thick and heavy robes and broad hats. They are often created to be sorcerers, warlocks, or wizards.
Blue nocturnes are the spies, saboteurs, and sneaks of the war puppets. They are lithe limbed and clad in leather or hide.
Red fugues are war puppets who were built for purely martial roles and are the most commonly encountered variety of war puppet. They resemble small suits of animated armor.
White hymns are those war puppets who channel divine magic. White hymns normally appear in robes and some sort of mediumweight armor.
War Puppet Traits
- Ability Score Increase: Increase a single ability score of your choice by 1. This cannot be the same ability score increased by your subrace.
- Age: War puppets do not age, nor can they die of old age.
- Alignment: Most war puppets are a lawful alignment as they were created to follow orders.
- Size: Being only three feet tall, your size is Small.
- Speed: Your base walk speed is 25 feet and you have a fly speed of 15 feet.
- Bound Garb: War puppets have their armor already bound to them and this is reflected by the subraces. You cannot wear armor and are considered to be unarmored.
- Unnatural Corpus: You have a weakness to radiant damage and a resistance to necrotic damage.
- Subrace: There are four kinds of war puppet, all of which are substantially different from each other. Choose one of these subraces.
Black Waltz
- Ability Score Increase: Increase either your Intelligence or Charisma score by 2.
- Arcane Barrier: Your base AC is 11 + Int or Cha modifier (whichever is higher) + Proficiency bonus.
- A Kind Of Magic: Choose one cantrip and one 1st level spell from the Sorcerer spell list. You know these spells. If you do not have a spellcasting class, the spellcasting ability for it is your Intelligence or Charisma (whichever is higher) and you may cast your 1st level spell once (a long rest recovers the use of the 1st level spell).
Blue Nocturne
- Ability Score Increase: Increase either your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 2.
- A Step Ahead: Your base AC is 13 + Dex or Int modifier (whichever is higher) + Proficiency bonus.
- Enjoy The Silence: You have advantage on Stealth checks and can hide even while observed, though doing so causes disadvantage.
Red Fugue
- Ability Score Increase: Increase either your Strength or Constitution score by 2.
- Built To Last: Your base AC is 17 + Proficiency bonus.
- Red Rain: Add your proficiency bonus to weapon damage. This bonus is multiplied when you score a critical hit.
White Hymn
- Ability Score Increase: Increase either your Constitution or Wisdom score by 2.
- Blessed Luck: Your base AC is 15 + Con or Wis modifier (whichever is higher) + Proficiency bonus.
- Walk Of Life: You may spend a bonus action to stabilize a dying creature you can touch. When you roll dice to determine how many HP you restore with a spell or ability you have, add your proficiency bonus to the total.
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